Saturday, March 21, 2009


Dave and I just returned from a 5 day trip to Vietnam~ What an experience! Walking through Ho Chi Minh is a mixture of walking through the narrow alleys of France, the developed sections of New Delhi, the rural rivers of South America, and the traffic and smog from Nairobi, Kenya!

We stayed in a quaint hotel, thin and narrow with rooms in every nook and cranny. We got a GREAT deal for our rooms, but also because they were on the 5th floor- with no elevators! Lets just say I got an intense leg workout for a week!

We spent two of our days conducting leadership training for two different groups- and that was a brand new experience for me! Dave has been training in Vietnam for a few years with these groups, so it was great learning from him. Of COURSE we had the usual cross-cultural mis-communcation. This is how it went. We were DRIVING to the training room where we were told it was an experienced group ready to learn book 3...
Us: "So you want us to teach book 3, lesson 1 and 2?"
local: "yes..."
Us: "So, everyone has the books?"
local: "yes. we have 1."
Us: "wait, so you only have 1 book 3?"
local. "yes."
Us: "how many new people are there?"
local: "about 35."
Us: " many are actually on book 3?"
local: "....about 4 or 5."
Us: "So you want us to teach book 1 lesson 1 and 2?"
local: "yes."
Dave and I look at each other in the back seat thinking. "....oh boy...."

We walk into a room of 47 students, 4 of them are on book 3. You get the drift. SO...since we didn't HAVE book one, we trained for 3 hours based on our memory of that book- and this is a little how it went:

Dave: While translator is translating, Dave turns back to me and whispers "you ready for the next part because I don't know what comes next!"

me: "Yep! Ready!" I got up and taught for a bit, then give him the blank stare of ..." that training...."

Dave takes the lead. And cycle continued for 3 hours. :) It is by God's grace those students learned anything! :) hahahaha Gotta love it.

By the end of our trip, we had met with some Incredible leaders who are leading house church movements, small church congregations, and Bible student students who are transforming their communities.

Would I have ever expected to be training in Vietnam? NEVER. And that is why it when I give the Lord the reigns of my life, I am Never dissapoinetd. These experiences are just threads of the tapestry of my life, and I can't wait to see how they all come together....

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where theives break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where theives do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Jesus

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Miracle

Last week Dave was driving this small 2 door car alone from the top of the north island of New Zealand south. It was just getting dark and the rain was pouring down. He was literally in farm country (as you can see) and came to this bridge. Dave couldn't see this, but the bridge had metal mesh covering the planks. Right as he drove onto the bridge he lost control and his car slid left hitting the barrier, slid right hitting the right barrier, then slid off the bridge falling 20 feet into the river below.
The windshield shattered and car instantly flipped upsidedown hitting the bottom (it was about 5 1/2 feet deep). He tried to open his eyes underwater but was too brown and dirty to see anything... But for some reason (Clearly God) David had his window rolled down in the rain. He always loves driving with his window down- no matter what! So because of THAT, he was able to get unbuckled and find is way out through the window. The door was jammed, and there would have been no way for him to get out the front windshield. He got to shore and realized that he was ok- and went back to try and attempt to gather his things- which were ALL ruined (passport, computer, phone, $$, clothes, etc).
He waited forEVER for a car to drive by and get help. He stayed over with these interesting farmers that night and pulled the car out of the river the next morning. Cops said that after seeing the car, it is a miracle David survived. Not to mention that if ANYTHING had gone wrong and dave couldn't have gotten out of the car, there wasn't anyone for miles. I can't even go there in my mind...
I also remember that day. I was working here in Singapore and it was right around 3:30pm when the Lord brought David to mind. I thought to myself, "Aww he's driving all alone right now, I should call him." So I did but his phone was off (aka in the river). I had called him Right as it happened (it was 5 hours ahead at 8:30). God put him on my heart right at the time Dave needed prayer. So I heard from him the next day. He sent me a text from a random number and I was in the MIDDLE of training. I had to excuse myself, call dave back and hear the news. I was in shock.
NOT TO MENTION the next day I had to train on the topics of : Developing your life purpose and What will your tombstone say after you're gone? Yeah, I know. AND I have been reading about Moses in Exodus and was just reading the verse that says, "Don't be afraid. Stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. He Himself will fight for you. You don't have to lift a finger." The Lord definitely rescued Dave and we give Him the praise and honor in this situation.
Continue to pray for him as he starts to get his life back to normal- and that the Lord will provide the resources to help him get on his feet again. He borrowed the car from a friend, so he will have to pay that back plus all of his belongings...
Thanks everyone- and you know- wherever you are in life right now, whatever you are doing, be thankful to the Lord. I'm realizing life is something I never want to take for granted. Each day is simply a bonus :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Question for the Week:

Which is a better way of life?

To live like the Chinese who trusts no one until trust is earned over time with few (guilty until proven innocent)


To live like an American who trusts everyone until trust is abused (innocent until proven guilty)?


Saturday, January 31, 2009

January Headlines

Holidays are over: Well the New Year Holidays have come and gone. The traditions of Chinese New Year are about to close as Singaporeans go back to the hustle and bustle of work work work. And now that I am fully employed with Equipping Leaders for Asia, I too am joining this whirlwind we call the work force. And although the work is overwhelming at times, I know it will be worth it.

ELA Full Swing: So basically, I manage all the leadership training programs that ELA offers. We are the representatives for John Maxwell, Tim Elmore and Patrick Morely for the non-profit world. But the thing is, is ELA consists of my boss Mike, Jenny our administrator, 1 part time accountant, an intern and myself. That's it. In the last month, I have never learned so much so fast about Singapore, Asian culture, ELA culture, about how to run a non-profit, how to get certified in the material, how to understand Singlish on the phone, you get my drift. I'm heading to India, Vietnam and Malaysia in the next few months to conduct and participate in several of these trainings--never a dull moment!

New Zealand: Dave is off in New Zealand for the month of February...this is the exact trip a year ago that Dave and I met for the first time. It was a bummer that I couldn't make it this year (starting a new job and all)...but 5 weeks isn't anything we can't handle. We are professional long distance relationship-goers. :)

Record Breaking: So I have officially lived here in Singapore for over 3 months. This is the longest I've been away from the states and I'm starting to finally feel like myself here. I still miss everyone back home. Feels like forever since I lived with Meg in Wash Park- throwing themed parties and sipping cold beer on the front porch. I miss cool weather, the mountains, my car, country line dancing, my hair when it's not frizzy, Wash Park, American sarcasm, ranch dressing, and of course, clothes that fit right. BUT I've gained some new enjoyments: wonton noodle with pork, Lime juice, public transport that is actually convenient, diversity of friends with complex and interesting perspectives (ok, I had this in the states too) :) , asian line dancing, Clark Quay (the beatiful bay area you see in my picture on my blog Title), and of course...dave. :)

ROWAN: On the flip side of my life, the ministry in Uganda is about to become a full blown non-profit! I had a Uganda meeting over Skype with 15 people on the other side all watching my bobbing head on top of the piano! hahah AMAZING what technology can do these days! Watch out for our future website:

Support: Thanks everyone for keeping in such great touch with me here. I've seen a lot of you on our lovely webcam and you have no idea how much that helps to see you guys. And if you don't have a webcam, get on it!

My 1 Minute of Fame!

So between 9:25-9:30pm on Channel News Asia, My Beautiful asthetic photo of...yes....THESE fish were on TV! I know. I know. It's almost too much too fast. I mean, one minute I'm just a nobody and the next minute...a star. Please don't all come rushing me at once. I can only sign one photo at a time... haha
Well in case you were wondering, I took this during Chinese New Year at Singapore's famous China Town. My friend and I went down in the morning to watch everyone shop for their traditional family reunion dinner. Below are some of the basic ingredients... YUM!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dashing through the Bubbles... a one way double-decker bus... :)

Christmas in Singapore. Something I never thought I would experience in my lifetime! It all starts back in oh….October as Orchard Road turns into Tinsel Town with lights, trees, Christmas cottages, stages, floats and verses lit up on the sides of Mega Malls. People are walking around in their summer splash wear (that’s for you Kendra) and passing the wonder land décor. It’s quite the oxymoron, but a site to see! The other night I was walking on Orchard and as I looked ahead I thought, “Wait, is that SNOW!?!” I get closer and watch the children running and throwing what looks like snow at each other and realize it is in fact, bubbles! As I received pictures yesterday of my California ranch covered in 6 inches of snow, it blows my mind that I am here in Singapore experiencing Bubble land.

Of course I will miss the traditions at home this year. I’ll miss the cool weather and skiing in Colorado. I’ll miss the ugly Christmas sweater parties and cookie exchanges. (ok ok so I’d always cheat and go buy them, but still!) I’ll miss decorating the tree with the ancient ornaments we’ve had since I was born. I’ll miss seeing all my family on Christmas Eve with our insane Christmas gift guessing game that goes on for an Eternity. I’ll miss waking up early with my family and enjoying the morning of gifts next to the crackling fire. I’ll even miss the ridiculous traditions of watching Prancer and White Christmas! Yes mother, I said it! :) But I WON’T miss Kenny G’s Christmas album you play relentlessly Every year since…oh….1990. It’s amazing to think that I’ve had the same traditions for Christmas over the last 20 years. I don’t know Christmas any other way, until now….

Of course in time we experience new traditions and memories. This week several churches will come together on Orchard with impressive Christmas floats and productions- it practically becomes Bethlehem over here! Dave and I just went to a Christmas party where we dressed up 90’s attire (pictures to come!). It was so refreshing to go to a Christmas party where the hosts made it important to spend time singing Christmas Carols and worshiping the Lord together. Wednesday night we'll head to a Christmas Eve service and enjoy Christmas day with Dave and his family. They typically have their traditions set in New Zealand, so we are making our own traditions together this year. They have been incredibly warm and hospitable to me as I make this transition.

So there you have it! I just want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and pray that you all are able to really Enjoy the true meaning of this season. If there is anything I can advise you on this year, it is to never take the time you have with your family for granted. And if you are like me and are in a entirely new environment this Christmas, enjoy the newness and those around you to the fullest. Love you all!

My first Chinese Wedding!!